Monday, November 3, 2008


Check this out:

It is a webcomic about dinosaurs and society. Each day the layout and typography are the same, but the content is different.



lindacomo said...

I had read your post but didn't realize the pictures were going to be exactly the same in each cartoon. Because I didn't know I sort of tried to figure out in my head why the artist would draw a car and a log cabin in the cartoon...and found it relatively easy to convince myself it was a logical decision on the part of the artist. I can't believe I didn't question it more?

Anonymous said...

I totally love Dinosaur Comics. Its such a weird concept, but I feel like it makes Ryan push himself even more every day to make his art new and interesting.

Riley said...

ive actually gotten a few of these things in post card form. they are really great.

Kat G said...

But why do we love it so much? What about it makes it awesome?