Friday, February 27, 2009


According to new reports, the Vatican is not only pissed about Richard Williamson (the subject of my letter to the Pope) but he has also been suspended from duty. Perhaps a reinstatement of his excommunication is in order.

Muscle Roll

check out one of my fellow teachers, kara mae brown, in this video created by an emerson student

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I don't remember if anyone mentioned this in class or not, but I was reading a Rolling Stone that was hanging around our suite and found this article about DFW.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

This has absolutely no intellectual purpose. But our professor's name is Kat. and she loves cats. 

so where else would this be so fitting?

King Corn

Post comments, questions, and ideas about the documentary King Corn here...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

'Who Gets the Grade?'

So I saw this article and it reminded me of what we were talking about yesterday in class. 
I'm not a big fan of what they talk about in the article, it sounds a little unnecessary to me, but see for yourself.

mmmk. enjoy.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Research Questions!

1. Is American becoming hyper-nutritious?
  Good question! What do you mean by hyper-nutritious? Does is that a negative or a positive affect on our culture and health? I suggest reading "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan (see right). I have a copy of it, if you would like to borrow it. A fascinating read!

2. What affect does a healthy of unhealthy diet have on your physical and mental health? 
    Good, I would pick one: physical or mental. And what do you mean by healthy and unhealthy? For someone with diabetes it is more important to avoid sugar than for someone without. Did you know that people with mental illness can go on special diets? I like the question. Work on narrowing it down and defining terms in your research paper. I'm not sure fieldwork is the best idea for this one. You want to remain healthy and you also would need a larger sampling of people.

3. In what ways (and to what extent) have global economic institutions impacted the trade of food between nations and what are the implications of this trading to the people who produce it?
  What do you mean by global economic institutions? Get more specific in your proposal.

4. How does American reform kosher differ from more conservative sects definition of kosher?
    Good. Specific. You can make an argument out of this research.

5. Do different majors effect the way people eat?
   I like this topic. Perhaps you could narrow it down to people at Emerson or a specific major.I see some fieldwork in your future. The only concern I have is that there might not be a lot of "scholarly" research done on this topic. Do some googling before you write the proposal.

6. What are the effects of factory farming on the smaller mom and pop farms in America?
     Great. You'll have to more academically define "mom and pop," but I know what you mean...

7. What dangers lie in food we eat everyday?
   Which foods? Narrow. This is a GREAT research question, but you'll have to make sure you get much more specific. Are you going to be looking into pesticides, plastics, hormones? Remember it is a five to seven page paper.

8. What is the raw food diet? Does it really give you all the nutrients you need?

9. What is the raw food diet?
   Be more specific. Not only what is the raw food diet, but what about it are you interested in? Remember, you will have to eventually make an argument.

10. Why is America obsessed with cooking shows?
    Great. Pick one to focus on. Top Chef?

11. What stereotypes exist that have to do with race and why?
       This is a good question; however, you need to narrow it down. Which race are you looking at? Certainly, it can't be EVER race. Pick one or maybe two.

12. When do diets become dangerous?
      Good. Narrow in the proposal. Which diets? I would also look at the question as: CAN diets become dangerous? When and why?

13. The TV show, "Man vs. Food" on the Travel Channel has only had a few episodes thus far but has still enjoyed relative success. What is it that draws people to shows like this and what does this say about food's place in our (American?) culture?

14. Is kombucha actually healthy?
       Good way to enter an existing controversy. 

15. What is the affect of factory farming on meat?
     Maybe pick a specific meat. Like chicken or beef. Read Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma." I have this too if you would like to borrow it.

16. How do athletes alter their eating habits in season compared to the off-season? Do the eating habits affect their game play and endurance?
  Good question. I think this one will be great fun to research. I suggest picking one or two specific types of athletes. Probably one. 

17. Why are some people so picky?
     While this is a very interesting question, I'm not sure you'll be able to find a lot of research on it. Narrow your topic down, first, and then do some googling and see if you can find an already existing debate. Can you find scholarly sources on databases like JSTOR? If not, I would consider changing your topic...

18. What foods have become staples in the American culture? Why?
   An interesting question, but I think you need to get more specific. Do you mean in New England or within the African American community or the Jewish community? Race, religion, region, and socio-economic class will affect your answer. I don't think there are staples that cross all these boards. What do you think?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Is Highly Inappropriate and I'll Probably Get In Trouble For It

I just posted a new blog entry about sex that I feel some people might have a sick interest in. Why? I do not know. Frankly, Kat might bitchslap me... but this highly inappropriate blog struck me as perfect for a post. It's called "People That Would Make For An Interesting Lay."

Yeah... I swear that I'm not crazy... sort of

RIP Juicy Campus

While Juicy Campus presents an interesting rhetorical situation, its death presents an even more interesting scenerio. Now, more anonymous campus-wide "bathroom stalls" are popping up on the Internet. What are the dangers of these sites? What, if any, are the advantages? Should there be a way to monitor these sites, or is that an infringement on freedom of speech? I'm really interested in how everyone feels about this issue!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Broadway Crisis Essay

Group Proposal Example

Proposal from our Blog

This proposal is a great example of how to illustrate your purpose, methodologies, research strategy, and workload. I highly suggest taking the time to read it. Also, there are a lot of great examples and interesting sites that last semester's classes added to this blog. Check 'em out.

Assignment for Wed. Wallace's "Consider the Lobster"

Consider the Lobster

Please print and read this article for class on Wed. 

Be ready to discuss. YOU will be teaching the class!

Zombies and Public Forums

Caution Zombie Ahead

What do you think was the rhetorical situation that brought on this display of public writing? 

Thursday, February 5, 2009


A reminder that the final draft of the letter is due Friday, Feb. 13th. I will NOT accept late work. Remember, the final letter needs to be at least 2 pages in length. You should bring 2 copies, one in an addressed envelope with postage.