Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What American kids are eating.

Ok, so we've been talking all about food quality and what we consume as Americans, and he one thing that I keep thinking of is the cafeteria food at the elementary school i volunteer at. Cathedral Elementary in the South End is a government subsidized Catholic schools with kids from underprivileged backgrounds. Every day I'm there, I see what the kids eat in the cafeteria, and frankly, it is DISGUSTING! everything is frozen, pre-packaged, processed, chemical infused trash that I would never dream of feeding to another human being. I can't believe that anyone would think that it was okay to feed this stuff to young kids! Our society needs help, this stuff shouldn't even be produced!


Caitlin M said...

Honestly, I could never bring myself to buy lunch plans for school because I never wanted to eat the stuff. It was all supplied by Sodexho, I think, but to know that chicken patties are probably all chemicals is stomach turning. Stuff like that is just icky.

jenell_randall said...

At my old school, it was really easy to notice that people slowly stopped eating the meat there because they would have these huge vats of containers that they would serve out of in the cafeteria, and what ever meat dish it was was ALWAYS floating on like, inches of oil and grease. It was disgusting...everyone migrated towards the carbs in the dining halls...

grace kaskie said...

I always got sucked into the calorie drinks in my school cafeteria. I always went inline for the intention of buying water, but when i saw the nice coke right next to the water for the same price, i could not resist the temptation. The health in cafeteria food is DISGUSTING and full of god knows what... but the drinks offered are usually just as unhealthy as the food. The health of kids would probably improve if they just offered water and cancelled out all other choices.

Sam_Schumacher said...

hmmm... getting rid of everything but water might start a revolt or something, but there are definitely healthy and tasty alternatives to nasty drinks and food.

I'm sure if parents knew just what their kids were eating, many of them would fight against it, and be willing to pay a little extra for some healthy food for their kids!