Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A new relationship with Food...

I just found this CBS news clip on my topic of  "Freegans". I thought it showed a really unique way of looking at what we eat/throw out and how different people have different relationships with their food. 



lindacomo said...

I think it's really noble that freegans feel comfortable eating the food that would otherwise be thrown away, but personally I despise touching garbage so much I would never be able to do such a thing. What stuck out to me the most was the fact that I would assume people who eat food from the garbage would be ashamed, but freegans seem proud about what they're doing.

Kat G said...

I also find it interesting that many of the freegans don't "have" to do it. They have enough money to buy "new" food. It raises an interesting philosophical question: Does the movement accomplish what it sets out to do? Does it go too far? And what is too far?