Saturday, March 28, 2009

Critics of Pope retaliate with genre!

The following genre illustrates a VERY unique and interesting advocacy campaign. How do you feel about it (not, the issue, the campaign)? Do you think it will be effective?



Jake Topkis said...

I think it would only be effective if they were given out in Africa along with education, but that has nothing to do with the image on the wrapper.
All in all, I think the campaign is cute, and it's important to advocate, but the wrapper on the condom does not tend to dictate how I use it, and if I'm holding one in my hand, chances are I'm not thinking about the AIDS epidemic at the moment anyway....

Miss Micaeli Rourke said...

Wow! I burst out laughing when I read this, but I'm questioning its effectiveness. I'm pretty sure it will at least raise eyebrows, or guilt levels among people using this particular product.

Ben Barker said...

Yeah i agree with Micaeli when she says it would raise guilt... but other than that I don't see the affectiveness, funny though

Jeffrey_Rizzi said...

I think it will only raise guilt to people who follow the Catholic Church. I think people would still use the condoms. I also think some people would find them to be pretty funny and buy them. When I was in the city last week end I saw people selling John McCain and Sarah Pailin condoms and they were selling very quick. While they are on a different level than the Pope, I still think some people view them on the same level. I personally find all of them funny.