What is public writing? Do you do any public writing? And how can we do more public writing in the writing classroom? Is it important to do so? Why or why not?
Public writing can be in almost every genre. Everything from open letters to blogs to published novels all fall under this category. I myself do not do any public writing, but then again I am posting on a blog right now. But that's besides the point. I think what we are doing right now in class is encouraging us to do more public writing. Things like McSweeny's are bringing interest a good portion of the kids in our class and as a result are informing more people about public writing. I myself had no idea how popular blogging was becoming or have ever heard of sites such as McSweenys.
I've never thought about books as public writing. I guess I considered them more of a private exchange between reader and writer; but now that I think about it, Jeff, I think you're right.
Welcome to the official WR121: Genre Blog. This site will allow students to take classroom converstions out of the private sphere of the classroom and into the public realm.
Public writing can be in almost every genre. Everything from open letters to blogs to published novels all fall under this category. I myself do not do any public writing, but then again I am posting on a blog right now. But that's besides the point.
I think what we are doing right now in class is encouraging us to do more public writing. Things like McSweeny's are bringing interest a good portion of the kids in our class and as a result are informing more people about public writing. I myself had no idea how popular blogging was becoming or have ever heard of sites such as McSweenys.
Any status update, wall post, or picture comment on Facebook is public writing for sure.
I've never thought about books as public writing. I guess I considered them more of a private exchange between reader and writer; but now that I think about it, Jeff, I think you're right.
Anyone else want to weigh in?
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