Wednesday, December 3, 2008

After reading Maus, I became very moved by the different style and techniques used in graphic novels. I picked up Fun Home from Borders. Took me a night to read about half, defintely a must read. Very different from Maus- completely different story. But it helps in writing a memoir the differences in the two graphic novels are noticable.

Kat was right- it IS disturbing.


Benjamin_Hicks said...

Yeah I would agree. Fun Home is a must get if your intrigued in the Graphic Novel genre at all.

RunningonEmpty823 said...

Yeah I never would have thought that I would read a graphic novel because I stereotyped graphic novels into dumbed down foreign entities, but I actually really enjoyed the pacing of Maus 1 and 2 (I liked the second one better).Maybe I'll pick up Fun Home over break- sounds pretty interesting.

Unknown said...

yeah, i feel like a lot of people avoid graphic novels because they feel they're too much like comic books, which is totally wrong.

Unknown said...

yeah, i feel like a lot of people avoid graphic novels because they consider them to be comic books trying to be deep