Thursday, October 30, 2008

Teflon and polar bears and styrofoam. Oh my.

According to studies by the CDC, 95% of Americans have the dangers chemical included in Teflon in their blood. During a test of the umbilical cords of 300 newborns, 99% were born with trace amounts of PFOA.


EmilyElizabeth said...

Here's the thing on birds and teflon. My uncle killed my cousin's bird on Easter because of was a pretty bad holiday. I still use teflon, but I'm extra careful about pets.

lindacomo said...

It seems like everything is bad for us these days and I'm not sure what to do. I'm all for packing it in and becoming hunter/gathers again and living up in the mountains...but with all our soil and water being polluted and the animals we eat soaking up all the toxins...we're pretty much screwed no matter what. I feel like if we avoid everything that's harmful to us we won't be left with much. I went on a whale watching cruise this weekend and a woman from The Whale Center New England was on the boat and she told us about a group of whales that live off the coast of North Washington State and their waters have been so heavily polluted each whale is now classified as toxic waste from absorbing all the toxins into their bodies. It's so sad. I just don't see how we can reserve all the damage we've done.