Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i am annoyed by the set in the library... takes up too much room, no purpose what so ever...

Will & Grace & God

I understand completely the urge to deify television, this is a communications school. I just can't really understand the form that this all-encompassing love takes. Colleges are an interesting sort of artistic context to take in. Statues are expected and are often too numerous to count. Interesting and radical architectural innovations go in to creating the buildings, and often artwork from alum or famous contributors (parents of alum, in many cases) to the school hang on walls. I can't think of a university or major college that has an aversion to proudly displaying its corner of the artistic market (its artistic street cred, if you will). So, how then do we react when this need to display takes on more intriguing and vulgar forms. If H.P. Lovecraft was a graduate of your university, and a sculptor was commissioned to do a life-size bronze form of Cthulu or Yog-Sothoth, the kind of thing that might give people nightmares, is it that universities right to keep it on display in its English lecture hall? Will & Grace is good television, it was funny, topical, and a little more frankly sexual than television likes to get; say what you will, it was important. Granted I like to judge importance based on the size of the whiplash-inducing tantrum that right wing ideologues get themselves worked into, but, it was an important step for recognizing homosexual behavior alongside the sort of boring exploits of Friends or the by-the-books precedural of Law & Order. It showed that, despite it's heavy-handed nature, homosexuality is normal, just as plain and ordinary an occurrence as heterosexual relationships or the everyday routine of a plainclothes cop. I couldn't be happier about the impact of the show, and I'm ecstatic that strides are being made by the gay community in the wake of Will & Grace (I'm also not so secretly pleased it got so many conservatives in bad moods). What then, do we make of the set standing in the middle of our library like the Elephant Man, on display in a glass case.

A communications school is bound to take itself seriously, but to treat the set of a television show, no matter how grand its social significance, as a museum piece, something that needs displaying, is simply ludicrous. Television is a medium dominated by the most vulgar abandonment of humanity yet discovered (granted Viral Videos and Pornography come fairly close, but they have nothing like the audience of Television). I get that this the reality of our situation (that we, as people, but specifically as disciples of the communications field, such as it is, live in an incredible, unrivaled post-modern condition), but it just seems as though we're covering ourselves in artifacts as if to give legitimation to something that is otherwise (often rightly) regarded by the rest of the world as frivolous (the flip side, the American Idol consuming masses, would disagree in a fantastic way, but more or less proves my point. It gets people into a frenzy of defense and offense, and it's been the subject of more debate in congress than the war in Iraq). So, do we give in, and treat the Fonz's jacket as a treasured artifact, or do we wise up, and try to forget that we as a culture have been watching badly scripted, completely fictitious accounts of lives not different enough from our own to be called interesting in any other medium? I know people fairly well and I'm willing to bet on the former. How about you?

Monday, September 29, 2008


For those of you who are really into music: 

daytrotter is a small studio in IL 
often bands will stop by, record, and then post the music to the site for free downloading.
in addition, there is always an interesting write up that accompanies the tunes. 
while most of the bands that stop by are unknowns, they do have some you may be familiar with, such as

the mountain goats
ra ra riot 
death cab
the elected 

the list can go on forever
and often even the unknown bands have some great tracks to download.
it's a really great and free way to expand your musical appetite.
so we have some music genres & some writing genres
hope you guys like it. 

Thought people might find this interesting...

Cashing In on a G.O.P Star

Basically, an anonymous email started circulating asking people to donate money to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. The stunt has been used once before, with President Bush, and so far its raised $802,678 for Planned Parenthood.


Remember that tomorrow is the big day!
Please bring the following to class:

1. One copy of Genre Project 1
2. Reflection Letter (one copy)
3. Envelope, stamped and addressed to the place you are submitting your work OR a sheet with the electronic address
4. Call to Write

If you are going to miss class FOR ANY REASON, make sure to get me your work before the beginning of class.

Thanks for all your hard work so far. The blog is looking fantastic!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Food Writing

Food writing has become a HUGE industry in recent years. It's actually what I want to go into. My favorite food writer is Anthony Bourdain, but there are a lot of lesser known writers who are read and followed all over the country. There's a book Best Food Writing that's released every year. It might be a good place for ideas on the research paper. Normally it has every food controversy and issue from the previous year in it since that's what the food writers where writing about in newspapers and food magazines.

An interesting side note about social action and food, this past week PETA came out with a new protest asking Ben and Jerry's ice cream to use breast milk instead of cow's milk. Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend and the presidential debate didn't make you all fall asleep early on Friday night.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Letter to Obama, Example of a Strong Argument

Throughout the semester I will be asking for electronic copies of your work to use as copies of outstanding work. Then, I will post them to the blog as examples for other students. Of course, you are always welcome to post your work on your own.

Here is Katie's letter to Barack Obama. I like it because it is a nice example of the Trinity of Argument in action. There is a clear thesis moment and none of the evidence lacks analysis.

An Open Letter to Barack Obama

Dear Senator Barack Obama,
I am writing to express my reservations with your current energy policy. I hope you will agree with me when I say that America is in the midst of an energy crisis. Gas prices have soared astronomically affecting not only America’s wallets but also serving as the driving force behind America’s economic depression. According to Bloomberg.com, oil is currently $109 per barrel. September 2003 witnessed oil prices as low as $25 per barrel, meaning America has witnessed an over 400% markup in prices within the last five years. These figures are staggering, and the future president’s energy plan will arguably be the most important policy of the new presidency. After reviewing your current energy plan enumerated on your official campaign website www.barackobama.com, regretfully, I find your plan highly insufficient. With regards to your energy plan, I believe you do not adequately address the oil supply issue, you place too much emphasis on the future of clean fuels and “green” alternatives, and you inadequately allocate government funds within your energy plan.
A recent CNN report compared your energy plan with Senator John McCain’s and drew the conclusion that you address the demand issue of the energy crisis while McCain addresses the supply issue. Specifically, you are against an increase in off-shore drilling and aim to decrease America’s demand for oil by increasing automobiles’ fuel efficiency and by promoting the invention and adoption of hybrid cars that can get 150 miles to the gallon. While these goals may alleviate America’s energy crisis, they are far too idealistic. Government regulation of fuel efficiency would be highly contested by automobile manufacturers, and hybrid cars are still objects of the future. Additionally, you offer no incentive to the development of hybrid cars unlike McCain who, according to his official campaign website www.johnmccain.com, will offer a $300 million prize for the development of the battery technology necessary for hybrid/fully-electric cars. While this figure may sound fantastical, it at least provides a way in which McCain intends to implement his plan for hybrid cars. McCain also addresses the supply issue of the energy crisis by promoting more on- and off-shore drilling, and running mate Sarah Palin has even been vocal about drilling in the protected ANWAR region. While you idealistically attempt to decrease America’s demand for oil, McCain wisely attempts to focus more on the supply issue, for by increasing the supply of oil, Americans will feel immediate relief instead of having to wait for the technological advancement of the future.
Secondly, you irrationally and overzealously advocate the inception of clean fuels. On your website, you list as one of your objectives that you aim to “ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.” However, your term as president will not even last until the year 2025, and surely America cannot wait seventeen years to witness the ultimate goals of your energy plan. Also, you advocate the production of ethanol from corn without taking into consideration how such mass production will affect food prices. McCain, however, intends to explore the uses of cellulosic ethanol which will not interfere with food crops. While alternatives to petroleum are the way of the future, more emphasis must be placed on the immediate, short-term solutions that utilize the resources we currently have instead of letting the present become subordinate to the future.
Finally, I vehemently disagree with your intended allocation of government funds within your energy plan. One of the first items listed on your website is a proposed Emergency Energy Rebate that will give families $1000 to aid Americans in paying astronomically high gas prices. Such an irrational government handout will surely pummel America into a massive amount of debt. Would it not also be wiser to invest that money into increases in oil production which will subsequently make gas prices fall, or even to use that money to relieve the gas tax which will ensure that the funds get used specifically for energy relief and energy relief only? Also, you never specifically state how much money you intend to invest in the development of clean fuels and oil alternatives, whereas McCain plainly reveals his intentions to invest $2 billion annually in the development of clean coal as well as to build 45 nuclear power plants. As a tax-paying citizen, I am very wary of voting for a candidate who does not clearly state how he plans to allocate government funds.
One of the things I respect most about your campaign is your emphasis on the importance of change. Change is greatly needed in regards to energy policy. Your current energy plan as enumerated on your website does possess some ideas that are definitely steps in the right direction, but there is much need for improvement. I urge you to think about the complaints and suggestions I have listed above and to take into every consideration the well-being of the American people.


Katie Bryant

David Foster Wallace

I thought I would put up an article on David Foster Wallace as we will be reading 'Consider the Lobster'. He hung himself last week.

The article is very comprehensive about his career and features the Onion-like headline Post Modern Writer is Found Dead at Home. If you cannot view the page, signing up for the New York Times online is free and a very good idea.


Foster Wallace is often compared to Thomas Pynchon and other irreverent "difficult" writers of the 20th century. If that kind of thing floats your boat, I highly suggest reading his fiction work from the 90's, though most people find his non-fiction work to be much more accessible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bristol Palin Song

Newsflash: Bristol Palin is pregnant.
So, she deserves a song.

It's ridiculous, and partly misdirected... in the sense that it offers sympathy and mockery.

(thats where you can hear it)

Dear Bristol, I thought of you today.
And how at best your fit of luck is a touch of grey.
A young mistake is now your opening to a world
that should have been years away.

There’s no time to be a kid.
And just grow up like the rest of us did.

Five months ago you passed a hottie in the hall,
sized you up for looks, love and all.
The kindling teenage love.
Gave him your card with nothing on, and now your belly is getting large.

Though it’s sad, you can’t go back.
Cause Momma Palin just don’t stand for that.

When innocence has gone away, you’ve got a baby on the way.
Now experience is here to stay, so think in years and forget the day.

Now with eyes on you, engagement offered you its hand
And promised to make you an adult
In a society filled with ideals and money and values:
Everything but love.

Should have taken mom’s advice.
But Abstinence-only: it only took your life.

I’ve been in your shoes, to a certain extent.
Now your path was not chosen, but one on which you’ve been sent.
And I’m not saying I think that you are just and right.
Simply sorry that you have lost your life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

open letter to parents who leash their children

Within no time your child will be strutting down the street with the hippest of new accesories. Simply train your toddler as early as nine weeks, teaching them basic commands such as "sit" and "stay." Reward, reward, reward, every time you're child doesn't scream at a passing toddler, or try to pull themselves loose of your tight grip on the leash. Give them a fruit rollup or handful of cheerios to praise their good behavior. Soon enough without having to even mouth the commancd, the simple jingle of the leash will have them sitting by the door ecstatic waiting for oyu to take them on a walk. 

any feedback or suggestions for other things i could talk about?..

letter to britney

Dear Britney Spears,
You are on the cusp of world domination. Over the past couple years your personal life has been at the forefront, you've had your fair share of downs and downs, but there is a "circus" (in stores Dec. 2nd) at the end of the tunnel. Your obsessive fans are hear to ensure your next album is a success. This will require work on the following three levels: professional, personal, and emotional.
Promote! Promote! Promote! We've seen your latest rehearsal videos online which has reinvigorated our desire to see you on stage. I cannot stand to listen to anymore fan made live versions of your imaginary tours. Please do us all a favor and hit us baby one more time with a world tour or any tour that will send you to Boston. One last tip on the professional level is stay with Larry! He is not crazy and he will do you good.... and he has pretty eyes.
Moving on to more personal matters, keep your panties on. You've done well lately, but it needed to be said. BE AS BORING AS POSSIBLE! Yyou will always have all of our attention, so stay classsy and save the shockers for your professional life (your bald head isn't quite as pretty as Natalie Portman's). PArt of staying classy is having standards in the dating department, which means no midnight swims with randoms. Our advice is to find a nice, young strapping man. A closet case would be perfect for this... Joe Jonas for example. The last thing you need is another womanizer (released on Monday Sept. 22). One last thing is to stay healthy and fit... spray tanning abs does not count.
The last key ingredient to success is staying emotionally balanced. Spending time with your two lovely boys will be the best way to counteract the media and keep you happy. Keep your family close, though we don't know all the details of your life, they seem to have your best interest at heart.
In conclusion promote! promote! promote!, keep your panties on, and take your prescriptions. The key to success is following our 3 P's of advice. See you at the circus bitch!

Love you!
Your Obsessive FAns

Open Letter

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Towards a Common Vocabulary...

Here are some of the terms that we came up with in class. Feel free to add and amend throughout the semester.

The Trinity of Argument:

1. Thesis Moment: In more formal, academic writing this concise and argumentative statement is located at the end of the first paragraph. It clearly outlines the writer's purpose. In short, it states what the paper will be about. I like to think of the thesis as a "promise" to the reader. Whatever you say you'll be writing about and proving, you better prove it! A "thesis moment" appears in all genres and can be less formal and found in various parts of the text. For example, a television ad. has a thesis moment. It may be as simple as Drink Coke or more subtle, such as if you drink this drink you'll be healthier and have more energy. Different genres have different ways of giving the thesis moment to the reader. We will be working with this term throughout the semester. For the letter genre, the thesis moment should come near the beginning of the document.

2. Evidence: All the information you use to back your thesis. Why do you think what you think and why should the audience believe you? Evidence consists of scholarly research, such as journal articles and expert opinion and fieldwork, which is observation, interview, surveys...more hands-on research. Both are good, but you should always keep the genre and the the rhetorical situation in mind.

3. Analysis/Evaluation: This is the "meat" of the argument. The analysis is your reasons for fighting your argument. Analysis connects the overarching thesis and the evidence. Without analysis/evaluation, it doesn't matter how much evidence you have or how eloquently you state your thesis...the analysis will be where YOUR voice is heard and shines. How does the evidence connect to the thesis? Why does it matter? Trimbur calls this the enabling assumption.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Satirical Letter

Dear Pregnant Parents, 

Congratulations! You have successfully procreated, but you're not quite out of the woods just yet. Naming your child can also be a difficult task.
A word of advice: Keep your wealth of creative individualism to your morning macchiato and away from your nine month investment. 
Names like Bristol, Track, Apple, Moses, Tuesday, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Trig, Brewster, Moose, Suri, Mogley, and Link are just simply not acceptable. Just because it looks good in the Bible, on TV, or on your breakfast plate does not give you the right to destroy your child's life.
Think of the repercussions. Name your kid Apple or Track and you can already start booking visits to a shrink through middle school. Stop determining your child's destiny. With a name like Trout, immediately all possibilities for respect are destroyed. At the very best he might amount to a mediocre jazz bass player. 
Granted, a name does not define a person, yet the more outrageous the name the more challenging it will be to present yourself in a professional manor. 
Stick to the basics. 
Keep it simple. 


Walker, Sam, Glen, & Riley

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I could use a little help...

Hi Everyone. I am writing an article for the Beacon, the on campus student run newspaper, about how students are managing to eat a healthy lunch on days when they only have fifteen minutes between classes. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. Is it possible to get a healthy lunch in less than fifteen minutes? What do you do? Do you find yourself less focused if you don't eat lunch? Anything you could contribute may end up in the Beacon so please leave your full name in the post. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you all soon.

Emily Gonzalez

p.s. newspapers and the student voice is a genre. contributing to this would be a great way to put into action everything Kat's been saying in class about how we shouldn't just write and contribute to things in academia; we need to get it out to everyone we can...can't wait to hear the responses!!!!
Mcsweeney's is incredible, thank you for the link. It looks like it has some great examples and I really recommend just looking at it for fun. It has a lot of hilarious stuff on there.

McSweeney's Open Letters


Monday, September 15, 2008

Post Secret

This website is really interesting. It is a great example of private writing being brought into the public sphere.http://postsecret.blogspot.com/

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig

Here's the link to the clip of Obama's comment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPd4yk0x-eg

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is Genre?

Although genre is most commonly referred to as a classification system, it is so much more. Formal classification of material is the effect of genre, but it is not the extent. Genre is, in fact, a response to social situations. It is used to accomplish something. It is used to communication. How would you define genre?


The Top 10 List is an interesting genre because it is very formulaic, yet has flexibility of content. Think about what called you to order your 10 ten in the way you did. Why did you make the choices you made? Post your lists under this thread.

Welcome to Research Writing

Hi everyone. I'm really excited about working with these classes and to create a public space for our work (i.e. this blog). I think we're going to learn a lot and have some fun in the process. Remember, this site is for YOU. Feel free to post questions, anxieties, comments, links (keep it clean), projects, and ideas about research writing. If you find a picture on flickr that relates to the class, put it up. If you find a link about MLA documentation that is helpful, put it up. Any ideas that you have about making the blog successful can be directed to me via email.